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همه رده ها > Histology
تلفن : 02166487727

Junqueira's Basic Histology: Text and Atlas, Sixteenth Edition

سال انتشار : 2022
افزودن به علاقه مندی ها

1,010,000 تومان 707,000 تومان
بیش از 1,000 نفر از این محصول بازدید کرده اند

شابک 9781260462982
نویسنده Anthony L. Mescher
تعداد صفحه  

نقد و بررسی اجمالی

Junqueira's Basic Histology: Text and Atlas, Sixteenth Edition

For more than four decades, this trusted classic has been considered the hands-down best overview of human tissue structure and function. Accessible yet comprehensive, Junqueira's Basic Histology provides everything you need to know about cell biology and histology, integrating the material with that of biochemistry, immunology, endocrinology, and physiology; it provides an excellent foundation for subsequent studies in pathology. It covers all tissues, every organ system, organs, bone and cartilage, blood, skin, and more.

Formatted in a way that optimizes the learning process, Junqueira's explains how to study the structures of cells and tissues; the cell cytoplasm and nucleus; and the four basic tissue types and their role in the organ systems. Each chapter includes multiple-choice self-test questions enabling readers to assess their comprehension of important material; some questions utilizing clinical vignettes or cases to provide real-world relevance.


محصولات مشابه :
Exam Preparatory Manual for Undergraduates: General and Systemic Pathology
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Exam Preparatory Manual for Undergraduates: General and Systemic Pathology
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Fundamentals of Urine and Body Fluid Analysis
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Fundamentals of Urine and Body Fluid Analysis
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Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy for Oral Implantology
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Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy for Oral Implantology
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Surgical Anatomy and Techniques to the Spine
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Surgical Anatomy and Techniques to the Spine
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