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همه رده ها > Emergency Medicine
تلفن : 02166487727

The Atlas of Emergency Medicine

سال انتشار : 2022
افزودن به علاقه مندی ها

1,690,000 تومان 1,098,500 تومان
بیش از 5,000 نفر از این محصول بازدید کرده اند

شابک 9781260134940
نویسنده Kevin J. Knoop, Lawrence B. Stack, Alan B. Storrow, R. Jason Thurman
تعداد صفحه  

نقد و بررسی اجمالی

The Atlas of Emergency Medicine

The most trusted visual guide to emergency medicine—with 2,100+ full-color images and clinical management guidance from leading experts
The Atlas of Emergency Medicine is your look quick, act fast guide to accurately diagnosing acute medical problems in emergency practice settings. Packed with the highest-quality images available and fully updated clinical information, this is the definitive resource to assessing, diagnosing, and treating patients quickly, safely, and effectively.
Top experts in their field, the authors cover basic and subtle diagnosis of a broad spectrum of typical and atypical conditions. Organized by organ-system/special populations/general issues and then by problem, The Atlas of Emergency Medicine includes one or more images per topic, succinct need-to-know information for each clinical problem, and management options and clinical pearls—making this the most efficient visual learning guide you’ll find.

محصولات مشابه :
Essentials of Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered States
اطلاعات کامل
Essentials of Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered States
رایگان (نسخه PDF)
Fundamentals of Urine and Body Fluid Analysis
اطلاعات کامل
Fundamentals of Urine and Body Fluid Analysis
رایگان (نسخه PDF)
Surgical Anatomy and Techniques to the Spine
اطلاعات کامل
Surgical Anatomy and Techniques to the Spine
رایگان (نسخه PDF)
اطلاعات کامل
رایگان (نسخه PDF)
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