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همه رده ها > Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery
تلفن : 02166487727

Heart Disease, A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine 2Vol Braunwald’s

سال انتشار : 2022
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1,440,000 تومان 1,152,000 تومان
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شابک 9780323722193
نویسندگان by Peter Libby MD PhD (Author), Robert O. Bonow MD MS (Author), Douglas L. Mann MD (Author), Gordon F. Tomaselli MD (Author), Deepak Bhatt MD MPH FACC FAHA FSCAI FESC (Author), & 2
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نقد و بررسی اجمالی

Heart Disease, A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine 2Vol Braunwald’s

Current, comprehensive, and evidence-based Braunwald’s Heart Disease remains the most trusted reference in the field and the leading source of reliable cardiology information for practitioners and trainees worldwide. The fully updated 12th Edition continues the tradition of excellence with dependable, state-of-the-art coverage of new drugs, new guidelines, more powerful imaging modalities, and recent developments in precision medicine that continue to change and advance the practice of cardiovascular medicine. Written and edited by global experts in the field, this award-winning text is an unparalleled multimedia reference for every aspect of this complex and fast-changing area.

  • Offers balanced, dependable content on rapidly changing clinical science, clinical and translational research, and evidence-based medicine.

محصولات مشابه :
Essentials of Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered States
اطلاعات کامل
Essentials of Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered States
رایگان (نسخه PDF)
Fundamentals of Urine and Body Fluid Analysis
اطلاعات کامل
Fundamentals of Urine and Body Fluid Analysis
رایگان (نسخه PDF)
اطلاعات کامل
رایگان (نسخه PDF)
Atlas of Arthroscopic Anatomy of Major Joints
اطلاعات کامل
Atlas of Arthroscopic Anatomy of Major Joints
546,079 تومان
رایگان (نسخه PDF)
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